Bits from Bill

Technology thoughts leaking from the brain of "Bill Pytlovany"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Task Catcher 2.0 Surprising New Features

For many years I made a name for myself as the developer of the unique WinPatrol program. To protect running programs I created an App designed to restart failed tasks called Task Catcher. Until now, I never put the same attention into other programs like I did WinPatrol.

mainscreenI started with cosmetic changes but the more time I had, the more improvements were added.  I discovered I wanted more features that weren’t available in other software. The result is now a program I can be proud. All our long time users will be confident recommending this program to family and friends.

Features include:

Block Programs with wildcard text blocked
In previous versions you could specify a particular program based on its full path name.  TC2 allows you to block programs that have any bits of suspicious text in their filename. This allows you to specify text like “conduit”, “Ask” or “avg”. When a program or Windows Service is detected with this text in its name, Task Catcher can automatically block it or let’s you decide if it can run.

Detect and Block Crypto-Ransom programs

Using newly discovered algorithm to decrypt what appears to be a randomly created filename Task Catcher detects possible Ransomware programs. These programs encrypt files and use extortion requiring a payment to decrypt valuable files. These programs can cause a disaster if it happens to a business or an individual losing their tax data or family photos. Our algorithm won’t retrieve encrypted files but it can help detect possible threats and continues to improve.

Track Program Usage track
Microsoft Windows has been evolving and like many new mobile operating systems may keep programs running in the background even when you exit. While this trend shouldn’t hurt your overall performance many of us want to know which programs are running. You’ll be able to pick those apps you’re most interested in and Task Catcher will keep track of how often it runs. This feature is one I expect will be expanded to create more elaborate reports

Restart Programs that Fail or are Closed restart
One of the most popular features of the previous Task Catcher launching a program meant to always run is an important function. Malware often shuts down popular Anti-Virus software but Task Catcher will re-launch your protection and/or will let you know what’s going on. Sometimes, you may have a program that is just buggy and shutdown when you don’t expect it.

Windows Servicesservices
Most of you reading this, like me,  want to know what programs automatically run when you start your computer. Traditional registry startup locations no longer tell the whole story. Many programs running in the background at Windows Services.  This kind of program can register to launch immediately, may be delayed or will start based on a particular trigger event.  Task Catcher helps you keep track of Services that are running allowing you to start and stop them as you would normal applications.


Today is the release of the final beta both to public and to our long time Task Catcher users.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Every time I attempt to update my task catcher program I get a security error from google notifying me that the web site has harmful programs

7:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Dana,

What you experienced certain isn't normal but it may be the result of Microsoft's SmartScreen Filter. This feature has been added to new versions of Internet Explorer and will block programs that may be new to your machine. Our tcsetup.exe should be on their white list of programs by now but you could have another security program that uses similar protection. You should start to see a "Download anyway" option and eventually you'll be allowed to download tcsetup.exe and tcsetup64.exe without any warning.

For more information see


8:52 PM  

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