Toolbars & Unwanted Programs Very Popular
Recently, a few people asked me about the “Donation” boxes that I have on my web pages. I’m also questioned about how much money I’ve made from WinPatrol and other projects. There were good times and I never forget the folks who occasionally give $5 – $50 to show their appreciation.
In 2008-2009, I wrote about offers I received from companies wanting me to include their toolbars in the free WinPatrol. It became clear I could retire early if I had decided to include what is now called a PUPs or “Potentially Unwanted Programs.” It still amazes me how many large companies use tricky check boxes to treat their customers as personal bank accounts.
I made the decision to keep WinPatrol clean. I was glad that some of the folks knew something about me but they still used WinPatrol because it protected them. I’ve also been asked about the decision so I agreed to share some more personal details which aren’t likely to make it into any book.
WinPatrol was holding its own thanks to great reviews by magazines but soon the rules changed and everyone moved to an Internet economy. It was also the time when family health problems would take my attention away from full time developing and promoting software. No one expects a rare disease to take over your life.
Behcet's Disease is an autoinflammatory disease resulting in damage to blood vessels throughout the body, particularly veins. It is a form of vasculitis (an inflammation of the blood vessels). Inflammation is a characteristic reaction of the body to injury or disease and is marked by four signs: swelling, redness, heat, and pain.
Unfortunately, independent programmers don’t usually have pension plans or company

I’ve been lucky and had the opportunity to live a good life, in a dream house with income that allowed me to share the benefits with family and friends. I’ve had some amazing opportunities and experiences. I can’t complain even though having nothing may be harder if you once had everything
I’m now taking as many steps as possible to continue on. Last year we put our house up for sale and to meet our responsibilities I sold the rights to WinPatrol. While I didn’t receive what you might think I found a buyer who would continue to support current users and agreed never to include toolbars or other unwanted software.
When possible, I have been working hard on other programs I believe are valuable. A few friends online have suggested it couldn’t hurt to explain the Donation links. They insist my policy on taskbars and work I’ve done with WinPatrol has generated enough good will to make it worthwhile. Donations could give me a chance to continue the creation of new safe programs.
So, the Donation boxes are there in case they can help allow me to worry about customers instead of medical bills.. It was a little hard when I sold my car but it doesn’t compare to when a spouse asks about selling her engagement ring. That’s when anyone wishes they had included Toolbars or PUPs with their software.
Toolbar Features
2013-02-27 Death of the Personal Computer Due to Greed
2010-06-28 Legal Software More Annoying than Most Viruses
2010-04-27 Where Can I Find an Alternate PDF Viewer?
2009-04-26 Sun Java Promoting Microsoft Toolbar
2009-03-31 No, I Don't Want Your #^$% Toolbar
2008-08-25 What's Wrong with Toolbars?
2008-01-16 Would you like Toolbar with your Software Order?
2006-11-08 Intermix Media settles with California
2006-10-17 What is Zwinky?
2006-09-11 Response from MyWebSearch & FunWebProducts
Thank you for your integrity! I HATE HATE HATE the add-on junk that so many companies continue to force upon us in an attempt to take over our computers. And so many of those companies are large enough that they have no reason to partake in such deceptive tactics - other than greed.
I have often thought of "donating" (paying for the program again and again} but to my shame I have only paid once. This is the best program I think I have on my computer and laptop and is worth many times more than what I originally paid. When I am in a better financial position I will donate so don't remove your donate button. In the meanwhile I challenge those who can afford to donate to give generously. You deserve it.
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