Bits from Bill

Technology thoughts leaking from the brain of "Bill Pytlovany"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

What's "Inside Amazon" About You?

While I order a lot of products from Amazon I’ve forgotten how much they still specialize in books and the extra features available. Last night I decided to play with the Search Inside feature and just out of curiousity wondered if WinPatrol was mentioned in any computer books. I knew there were one or two but was pleasantly surprised at how many recommendations were published praising Scotty the Windows Watch Dog.

Some references include:

Lock the Boogie Man Out of Your Computer

Rule the Web: How to Do Anything and Everything on the Internet---Better, Faster, Easier

By far the most interesting mention was actually in a book created for Norton users. While I’m not a big fan of Norton Security Suites the company has had a few good innovations over the years.

Norton All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies

So just go to Amazon books and type in any term you’d like to search for and they’ll give you a list of books that include your topic. I’m sure many of you have searched your name in Google but have you searched it in Amazon?

I found a few references to “Pytlovany” including an infamous comment about my days with AOL where I am quoted as saying “A lot of people learned to type with one hand”. (Stealing Time p30)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actions have to be taken to have this service available worldwide as in Canada we get hundreds of these calls from the US, and I believe that people from other countries are getting these as well, and we can put our names in this DNC database. I'm sure that you get calls from out of the country doing this to you. Can you get a 'block' from these? All of us can use a spam blocker for our computers, why not with our telephones?

8:12 PM  

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