Bits from Bill

Technology thoughts leaking from the brain of "Bill Pytlovany"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Time to Install WinPatrol 2011

The last new version of WinPatrol was release in early November, 2010 just before Scotty’s 11th birthday. This week I’m happy to announce to release the new and improved WinPatrol 2011.
Scotty even has a new 2011 look

As more computers are sold with the 64 bit version of Window we've worked hard to keep up and make sure Scotty doesn't lag behind the technology. We found some quirks on 64 bit systems but thanks to support from our friends at Microsoft and other security vendors we’ve created version that runs faster than ever on 64 bit systems.

      • Active Tasks
        You'll notice more information available on our list of Active Tasks. Sorting on the module ID you’ll be able to see which DLL files are used by running tasks.

        You'll find two new columns and on newer versions of Windows with additional information.  Over the years this has been a popular request and will continue to add information which is useful to all users. Active Tasks is usually the first place you'll check to remove any unwanted programs from reappearing so the more information the better.

        Zero-Day Alerts
        WinPatrol 2011 responds far better to repeating alerts from unknown sources. These infiltrations can happen to anyone just having a vulnerable application on their computer. Files which are repeating alerts are also tracked to provide quicker creation of PLUS Info for new threats.

        Delayed Start
        Delayed Start has proven to be more popular than we ever expected. This version fixed on 64 bit systems when moving programs from the Startup Programs list to Delayed Start.

        Display bug fixed when changing startup status. Fixed bug in 64 bit Windows when displaying non-Microsoft Services.

        Corrected Internet error message when trying to activate PLUS features. We obviously want to make it as easy as possible to upgrade from the Free Edition to WinPatrol PLUS.  We continue to make it a great deal even for folks short on cash and the future of WinPatrol really depends on continued support from our PLUS members.

      Thanks to all our supporters who have been it possible to continue the development of WinPatrol. The economy sucks for everyone but I still believe our WinPatrol PLUS offer can’t be beat.

      Special thanks to Microsoft for their 64 bit support assistance and to folks who submitted detailed bug reports including screens shots of any problems they experienced.


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Tuesday, February 08, 2011

People Really Fall for International Scams

One of the scams I’ve heard a lot about lately is the “I ran out of money and I’m stuck in Europe”.  This is the scam that occurs once someone has stolen an Email or Facebook account. A message is broadcast to friends and family with sad news and a plea for help. An elaborate story is created which ends with a request to send a money wire to another country. It can happen to anyone and enough people fall for it that it continues to be popular.

A family member was actually the target of another international wire fraud scheme. This one goes after people looking for low cost comfortable shelter for their family.  The scammer finds a house and then collects a deposit from multiple renters.  Thanks to real estate services like, and even Google Street View it’s not hard to post a photo of a house while claiming to own it

This home was posted on Craig’s list for rent. When we contacted the real owners they were very surprised.

While checking Craig's List for apartments in our home town this listing seemed almost too good to be true. Luckily, we’re a small town and even though this particular family member isn’t the most internet savvy person he still knew a scam when he saw it.

Here’s the letter he received when he inquired about checking out the new listing.

Thanks for your interest and inquiries about my house,Yes the house is still available for rent and we are looking for a responsible person/family to occupy and maintain the house.Myself and wife just traveled to I am one of the coordinator of United State Missionary Organization and decided to rent/lease our property because i have been posted to United Kingdom, by the United State Christian Organization for (Worldwide Missionary Outreach).Presently  We are now in United Kingdom, but We wanted to sell it before and later changed our mind to rent it out for investment purposes since we might still come back some time 5years or more to come.So we have ordered them to stop all advertisement and remove it from the market about the home for sale and that will be effective asap. So i wouldn't want that to bother you at all..We could not find an honest agent to hand over the place to before leaving so i and my family decided to post the advert online. We will be away for 5 to 6 years or more that is why I have made up my mind to put up my house for rent to whom ever that will take good care of it.
Property Type: Single Family Home
3Bed, 3 Bath | 2,348 Sq Ft on 0.16 Acres (6,969 Sq Ft Lot )
Air Conditioning
Ceiling Fans
Double Oven
Garbage Disposal
Pets Allowed
Washer / Dryer
Rent: $900 including utilities
Security deposit:$1300
FIRST NAME: __________________
MIDDLE NAME: __________________
LAST NAME: __________________
PROFESSION: ________________
CELL PHONE:______________________
HOME PHONE:______________________
DO YOU HAVE A PET:____________________________
DO YOU HAVE A CAR____________________________
PRESENT ADDRESS: ___________________________
PREVIOUS ADDRESS: ___________________________
I CERTIFY that answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for tenant screening as may be necessary in arriving at a tenant decision. I understand that the landlord may terminate any rental agreement entered into for any misrepresentation made above.
Thanks and Remain Blessed

The scammers even found out who owned the house and created a Yahoo Email account using their name. We played along and asked if he could come see the house.  He received the following reply.  As we’re learned over the years most scams come with their share of spelling errors.

well thank you for the response to my email but i must let you know this as i told you in the last email that am not in the state now and the keys and the document to the house is with me here in uk but i can send you the keys and the document if you can let me trust you and you are not going to disapoint me because i dont want to trust the agent i gave the house to let it out again.due to what has happened between me and him because i gave him the house for just 800 and he was calling it $1600 and that was why i decided to let the house out myself .but just let me know if you are still intrested and i will know what to do then

The scammer continued to reply to Emails but ultimately wanted a deposit wired to them before the house could be viewed.  We were the only one to report this recent scam but local Police Chief Thomas Rush was quick to remind me of a similar rental scam which occurred last year. In that case, over five different people showed up at a local house claiming they were new occupants.

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Saturday, February 05, 2011

Facebook CREEPS Stalking you?

Every day folks on Facebook are tricked into downloading applications that just aren’t safe.  Facebook has become a breeding ground for malicious applications which are easy to distribute.

Today the popular scam comes along in a message that says

“I've just seen who STALKS me here on Facebook. You can see who stalks you too!”

If you click on the link that comes with this post you’ll see the following and you should not continue to Find Our More.



FIRST, you should remove the post from your wall so your friends don’t find it and click on it.

The X won’t be obvious, but when you roll the mouse over this area it will show up and you can remove the post from your wall.

NEXT, send your friend a nice note suggesting they change their Facebook password.  This can happen to anyone so it’s not their fault. If they don’t get on Facebook often consider giving them a call.

LAST, expect more of the same kind of posts in the future. The popular trend seems to be ways to see who is looking at your Facebook page and OMG, there’s something you have to see.
I’d have to say more than half the posts that start with OMG are bogus.

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