One price (under $10), for an established app, available on multiple devices. This limited offer is available with one requirement. Users are asked to provide feedback on their experience. It doesn’t have to be a bug report, it could just be a request for a feature you can’t find in other programs.
Task Catcher 1.x
For many years our Task Catcher program has been available to meet the needs of a specific audience. Even though I have neglected new development for Task Catcher it continued to attract an large audience. Many of our most vocal fans have waited patiently for a new version.
Watch List
Task Catcher is most often used for its specific restart function. Many depend on Task Catcher to make sure an important program continues to run even if it crashes or the system reboots. Many others use it to protect a their favorite security program. One long time customer actually runs a radio station and Task Catcher prevents any dead air during the night and early morning recorded sets.
If you’ve ever wondered why a program is no longer running Task Catcher can help. Like many new Windows programs Task Catcher 2 has been redesigned to work with mobile devices, Tablets as well as traditional Windows desktops.
Very Special Offer
Our newest version is available as a Sneak Peek Preview and currently runs as a Windows Desktop app. Mobile and Tablet versions are being developed and I look forward your feedback.
Many people may have heard of the term “beta test” before the release of new software.
At one time, this was a useful process but those days are gone.
When you consider the number of machines running Microsoft Windows world-wide it’s easy to see there are more variations and unique combinations than there are snowflakes.
Good user feedback isn’t what it used to be so I’m offering Sneak Peekers a very special offer. I’m confident anyone trying Task Catcher 2 will have a suggestion or two. When you share your opinion with your under $10 purchase will activate full participation for our desktop and mobile versions.
Task Catcher providers a clean interface that will work the same on all your devices. The program ‘Watch List” will continue to be a primary feature but we’ve also added the ability to track which programs are used often. The decision of which program “metrics” are important and how your data is presented is the kind of feedback we need you to tell us.
When a program fails you can decide the action Task Catcher will take. In most cases, you may want to automatically restart your program. You’ll also have the option to keep an event log of any failures.
In some cases, you’ll want to be notified immediately. At that time you can chose to restart but even more important Task Catcher can help you diagnose if a program conflict exists. The choice is always up to you.

The trend for new systems is that “internally” programs don’t exit or close. They are always running in the background but claim not to be using any resources on your phone or tablet. Task Catcher’s program tracker will let you know the truth.
Visit and order your special activation code. Download Task Catcher 1.4 and explore how your favorite new program used to work. After you’ve seen Task Catcher in action download Task Catcher 2 Sneak Peek and you’ll be a part of our newest project Team.

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